Isaac Zwinger-Nathanson was born in China and was adopted into a multicultural Arizona family. He and his siblings, who were also adopted, are of various races, ethnicities, and have a variety of disabilities, and sexual orientations. Isaac identifies as being a Chinese American, Jewish, student, son, brother, athlete, person who has blindness and mental health disabilities, advocate, advisor, leader, and peer mentor. Isaac recently graduated from the University of Arizona Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Minor in Food Systems. Bear Down!
He served on the Diverse Ability Incorporated Board of Directors and is the Immediate past Chair. As a 2017 graduate of Arizona Youth Leadership Forum and a 2018 graduate of Arizona Youth Engagement Academy, Isaac considers AZYLEI to be his second family and is grateful to have connected with so many people, with whom he has grown close over the years.
Prior to his engagement with AZYLEI, Isaac spent many years sharing his time and talent as a mentor for other youth who have vision disabilities. Isaac is the 2020 recipient of the Linda Gonzales Award for Outstanding Rural Youth, for his peer-based work with Arizona Youth Leadership and Engagement Initiatives.