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Arizona Disability Law: Navigating 504’s and IEP for School Children with Sickle Cell

Title: Educational Rights of Students with Special Needs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Synopsis: This training will provide a brief overview of IDEA and Section 504, including the evaluation procedures, Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 planning and services. The training will discuss […]

TBI 404 – “It’s Not Just Academics” – Cognitive Interventions After B.I

Training for professionals and family on cognitive interventions after brain injury or neuro-impairment.   TBI 404 SESSION IS VALUABLE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SCHOOLS OR WITH YOUR: Counselors, general education teachers, SPED teachers, related service personnel, administrators, behavioral health, school psychologists, secure care (DOC), support staff, and parents/caregivers. This virtual training will include advanced […]

TBI 303 – “Contemporary Issues” – Executive Functioning & Neurodevelopment

Training for professionals and family on impacts to executive functioning & neurodevelopment after brain injury. TBI 303 IS VALUABLE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SCHOOLS OR WITH YOUR: Counselors, general education teachers, SPED teachers, related service personnel, administrators, support staff, and parents. It is especially valuable for those working with youth in adolescence and young […]

TBI 404 – “It’s Not Just Academics” – Cognitive Interventions After B.I

Training for professionals and family on cognitive interventions after brain injury or neuro-impairment. TBI 404 SESSION IS VALUABLE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SCHOOLS OR WITH YOUR: Counselors, general education teachers, SPED teachers, related service personnel, administrators, behavioral health, school psychologists, secure care (DOC), support staff, and parents/caregivers. This virtual training will include advanced information […]

Emerging Me: My Life Matters


Diverse Ability Incorporated in partnership with The Beehive 480 Presents Emerging Me: My Life Matters. Emerging Me: My Life Matters is an inclusive, self-discovery, and leadership capacity building program for youth, which assists them in developing and embracing their identity, leading to enhanced self-advocacy, and the practice of self-determination. Emerging Me: My Life Matters exemplifies […]

By and For Youth: Tools and Tips for Young Disability Self-Advocates

If you are between the ages of 14 and 29 and are a person with a disability, Raising Special Kids and the Arizona Youth Leaders of Diverse Ability Incorporated invite you for an interactive workshop packed with effective tools and tips to If you are between the ages of 14 and 29 and are a […]

Transition Institute 2021

The Transition Institute is an interactive virtual training day for transition-aged youth and young adults with disabilities and their parents. In addition to learning more about Raising Special Kids and Diverse Ability Incorporated, the day will include opportunities to: Hear from self-advocates about their experiences Learn about how to support your youth or young adult […]
