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Adulting: What It Means to Me and My Future (Virtual Workshop Series)

Sitio de registro en español Adulting means to “act like an adult” and to be part of decisions and activities that involve daily life. It is about planning for today and the future. Making decisions and talking about what is important to the individual with a disability is part of person-centered planning, community life and […]


360Youth provides high school students and young adults with support and real-world skills they need to navigate the transition to adult life. Sessions are led by peers who have successfully made the transition from school to independent living, employment, education and job training, and adult roles. The Fall Session of 360Youth will run November 7 […]


IDEA Conference: IEP Training

Learn about the special education process and the Individualized Education Program (IEP). At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will understand who is required to attend the IEP meeting and the roles of each team member (including parents), review the required parts of an IEP, learn how parents can prepare for and be more effective […]


2021 African American Conference on Disabilities

AZCAAR and the Arizona Center for Disability Law will again co-host the nation's largest African American conference on disabilities. The virtual conference will feature 11 workshops scheduled throughout the month of February on a variety of disability topics, including: education, mental health, housing, and voting. Stay tuned for registration and link information to sign up […]


TBI 303 – “Contemporary Issues” – Executive Functioning & Neurodevelopment

Training for professionals and family on impacts to executive functioning & neurodevelopment after brain injury. TBI 303 IS VALUABLE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SCHOOLS OR WITH YOUR: Counselors, general education teachers, SPED teachers, related service personnel, administrators, support staff, and parents. It is especially valuable for those working with youth in adolescence and young […]

Skills to Pay the Bills: Let’s Explore Enthusiasm and Attitude!

ADE/ESS is pleased to present the IDEA Conference in a virtual format. This year’s conference will feature 24 sessions targeted to professionals in the education community and 18 sessions targeted to youth and families throughout the 2020–2021 school year. Join the Arizona Youth Leaders of Diverse Ability Incorporated for an opportunity to highlight your strengths […]


TBI 100 – “School of Hard Knocks” Introduction to Concussion

Educational session for professionals and families on returning to life and learning after concussion (mTBI) The TBI 100 training is designed for professionals working with youth and adults, parents/caregivers of survivors of brain injury and any interested community members! You will surely learn a lot about mild brain injuries (concussions) and how best to return […]

By and For Youth: Tools and Tips for Young Disability Self-Advocates

If you are between the ages of 14 and 29 and are a person with a disability, Raising Special Kids and the Arizona Youth Leaders of Diverse Ability Incorporated invite you for an interactive workshop packed with effective tools and tips to If you are between the ages of 14 and 29 and are a […]

The Iron is HOT: Using UDL in the Virtual Classroom

It’s undoubtedly important to teach in ways that honor learning differences and to structure lessons that are engaging, varied, and appropriately challenging. However, in this era focused on universal design for all, it is also critical to explore the underlying habits of mind related to “teaching them all.” This presentation centers on big ideas related […]

Arizona Disability Law: Navigating 504’s and IEP for School Children with Sickle Cell

Title: Educational Rights of Students with Special Needs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Synopsis: This training will provide a brief overview of IDEA and Section 504, including the evaluation procedures, Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 planning and services. The training will discuss […]

TBI 404 – “It’s Not Just Academics” – Cognitive Interventions After B.I

Training for professionals and family on cognitive interventions after brain injury or neuro-impairment.   TBI 404 SESSION IS VALUABLE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SCHOOLS OR WITH YOUR: Counselors, general education teachers, SPED teachers, related service personnel, administrators, behavioral health, school psychologists, secure care (DOC), support staff, and parents/caregivers. This virtual training will include advanced […]