All Events

Arizona Virtual Youth Leadership Forum (AVYLF)

In 2020, there will be four Arizona Virtual Youth Leadership Forum (AVYLF) conferences, and Delegates will be assigned to attend one of the conferences, based on their availability, and in consideration of optimizing overall conference experiences. When applying, youth will have the ability to indicate which of the following conference dates work best for their schedules: AVYLF 2020 Conferences: […]


5th Annual Transition Institute Presented by Raising Special Kids

Raising Special Kids is thrilled to announce our 5th Annual Transition Institute! This year it will be virtual and we have a wonderful line up of presenters to learn from along with engaging activities and connection! If you are a parent of a teen or young adult or you ARE a teen or young adult... […]


AZYLI Statewide Capacity Building Conference 2020

The purpose of the 10-day Statewide Conference is to provide additional training to our recent AVYLF Graduates to assist them in gaining skills to provide mentoring, training, and support to others who have disabilities, in their home communities. In order to be considered for this opportunity, you needed to be elected by your AVYLF peers […]


Adulting: What It Means to Me and My Future (Virtual Workshop Series)

Sitio de registro en español Adulting means to “act like an adult” and to be part of decisions and activities that involve daily life. It is about planning for today and the future. Making decisions and talking about what is important to the individual with a disability is part of person-centered planning, community life and […]


360Youth provides high school students and young adults with support and real-world skills they need to navigate the transition to adult life. Sessions are led by peers who have successfully made the transition from school to independent living, employment, education and job training, and adult roles. The Fall Session of 360Youth will run November 7 […]


IDEA Conference: IEP Training

Learn about the special education process and the Individualized Education Program (IEP). At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will understand who is required to attend the IEP meeting and the roles of each team member (including parents), review the required parts of an IEP, learn how parents can prepare for and be more effective […]
